This publication has been approved by the Office of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of Labor.
An Act
To provide for the protection of migrant and seasonal agricultural workers and for the registration of contractors of migrant and seasonal agricultural labor and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
Short Title; Table of Contents
Sec. 1 This Act, together with the following table of contents, may be cited as the "Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act."
Table of Contents
Part A — Enforcement Provisions
Part B — Administrative Regulations
Part C - Miscellaneous Provisions
Sec. 2. It is the purpose of this Act to remove the restraints on commerce caused by activities detrimental to migrant and seasonal agricultural workers; to require farm labor contractors to register under this Act; and to assure necessary protections for migrant and seasonal agricultural workers, agricultural associations, and agricultural employers.
Sec. 3. As used in this Act -
Applicability of Act
Sec. 4. (a) The following persons are not subject to this Act:
Title I — Farm Labor Contractors
Certificate of Registration Required
Sec. 101.
Issuance of Certificate of Registration
Sec. 102. The Secretary, after appropriate investigation and approval, shall issue a certificate of registration (including a certificate of registration as an employee of a farm labor contractor) to any person who has filed with the Secretary a written application containing the following:
Registration Determinations
Sec. 103. (a) In accordance with regulations, the Secretary may refuse to issue or renew, or may suspend or revoke, a certificate of registration (including a certificate of registration as an employee of a farm labor contractor) if the applicant or holder -
Transfer or Assignment; Expiration; Renewal
Sec. 104.
Notice of Address Change; Amendement of Certificate of Registration
Sec. 105. During the period for which the certificate of registration is in effect, each farm labor contractor shall -
Title II — Migrant Agricultural Worker Protections
Information & Recordkeeping Requirements
Sec. 201 .
Wages, Supplies & Other working Arrangements
Sec. 202.
Safety & Health of Housing
Sec. 203.
Title III — Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protections
Information & Recordkeeping Requirements
Sec. 301.
Wages, Supplies & Other Working Arrangements
Sec. 302.
Title IV — Further Protections for Migrant & Seasonal Agricultural Workers
Motor Vehicle Safety
Sec. 401.
Confirmation of Registration
Sec. 402. No person shall utilize the services of any farm labor contractor to supply any migrant or seasonal agricultural worker unless the person first takes reasonable steps to determine that the farm labor contractor possesses a certificate of registration which is valid and which authorizes the activity for which the contractor is utilized. In making that determination, the person may rely upon either possession of a certificate of registration, or confirmation of such registration by the Department of Labor. The Secretary shall maintain a central public registry of all persons issued a certificate of registration.
Information on Employment Conditions
Sec. 403. Each farm labor contractor, without regard to any other provisions of this Act, shall obtain at each place of employment and make available for inspection to every worker he furnishes for employment, a written statement of the conditions of such employment as described in sections 201 (b) and 301 (b) of this Act.
Compliance With Written Agreements
Sec. 404.
Title V — General Provisions
Part A — Enforcement Provisions
Criminal Sanctions
Sec. 501.
Judicial Enforcement
Sec. 502.
Administrative Sanctions
Sec. 503.
Private Right of Action
Sec. 504.
Discrimination Prohibited
Sec. 505.
Waiver of Rights
Sec. 506. Agreements by employees purporting to waive or to modify their rights under this Act shall be void as contrary to public policy, except that a waiver or modification of rights in favor of the Secretary shall be valid for purposes of enforcement of this Act.
Part B — Administrative Provisions
Rules & Regulations
Sec. 511. The Secretary may issue such rules and regulations as are necessary to carry out this Act, consistent with the requirements of chapter 5of title 5,United States Code.
Authority to Obtain Information
Sec. 512.
Agreements With Federal & State Agencies
Sec. 513. (a) The Secretary may enter into agreements with Federal and State agencies (1) to use their facilities and services, (2) to delegate, subject to subsection (b), to Federal and State agencies such authority, other than rulemaking, as may be useful in carrying out this Act, and (3) to allocate or transfer funds to, or otherwise pay or reimburse, such agencies for expenses incurred pursuant to agreements under clause (1) or (2) of this section.
b. Any delegation to a State agency pursuant to subsection (a)(2) shall be made only pursuant to a written State plan which-
(1) shall include a description of the functions to be performed, the methods of performing such functions, and the resources to be devoted to the performance of such functions; and
(2) provides assurances satisfactory to the Secretary that the Sate agency will comply with its description under paragraph (1) and that the State agency's performance of function so delegated will be at least comparable to the performance of such function by the Department of Labor.
Part C — Miscellaneous Provisions
State Laws & Regulations
Sec. 521. This Act is intended to supplement State law, and compliance with this Act shall not excuse any person from compliance with appropriate State law and regulation.
Transition Provision
Sec. 522. The Secretary may deny a certificate of registration to any farm labor contractor, as defined in this Act, who has a judgement outstanding against him under the Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act of 1963(7 U.S.C. 2041 et seq .), or is subject to a final order of the Secretary under that Act assessing a civil money penalty which has not been paid. Any findings under the Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act of 1963 may also be applicable to determinations of willful and knowing violations under this Act.
Sec. 523. The Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act of 1963 (7 U.S.C. 2041 et seq. ), is repealed.
Effective Date
Sec. 524. The provisions of this Act shall take effect ninety days from the date of enactment, and shall be classified to title 29,United States Code.
The footnotes for the entire document follow:
The footnotes in this publication show where changes in the original text have been made and refer to the specific amendments, so that a comparison of the official texts may be made.
1 This publication contains the original text of the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act, Public Law 97-470, January 14, 1983, asset forth in 96 Stat. 2583, revised to reflect the changes effected by two amendments (which may be found in official text at the cited pages of the Statutes at Large): (1) The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, Pub. Law 99-603, 100 Stat. 3359; (2) The Act of November 15,1995, Pub. Law 104-49,109 Stat. 432. The original text of the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act is set in the Century typeface.
2 The 1986 amendment (sec 101(b) of Pub. Law 99-603) deleted a Table of Contents entry - "Sec. 106. Prohibition against employing illegal aliens." -along with the corresponding portion of the original statutory text (see note 4, infra).
3 To be more specific, add "(a)" to citation thusly: Sections 101(a)(15)(H)(ii)(a).
4 29 U.S.C.A. § et seq.
5 The 1986 amendment (sec 101(b)) of Pub. Law 99-603) added this provision regarding employment of illegal aliens. The referenced provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1324a(a)(1) and (2)) read as follows:
(a)(1) IN GENERAL. - It is unlawful for a person or other entity -
(A) to hire, or to recruit or refer for a fee, for employment in the United States, an alien knowing the alien is an unauthorized alien (as defined in subsection (h)(3)) [of this INA section] with respect to such employment, or
B(i) to hire for employment in the United States an individual without complying with the requirements of subsection (b) [of this INA section] or (ii) if the person or entity is an agricultural association, agricultural employer or farm labor contractor (as defined in section 3 of the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act), to hire, or to recruit or refer for a fee for employment in the United States an individual without complying with the requirements of subsection (b) [of this INA section].
(2) CONTINUING EMPLOYMENT. - It is unlawful for a person or other entity, after hiring an alien for employment in accordance with paragraph (1) [of this INA subsection], to continue to employ the alien in the United States knowing the alien is (or has become) an unauthorized alien with respect to such employment.
6 7 U.S.C.A. §2041 et seq.
7 The 1986 amendment (sec. 101(b) of Pub. Law 99-603) deleted the following original statutory text regarding employment of illegal aliens:
Prohibition Against Employing Illegal Aliens
Sec. 106.
8 The 1995 amendment (Sec 4(a) of Pub. Law 104-49) added this requirement for disclosure regarding workers' compensation insurance.
9 The 1995 amendment (sec. 4(b) of Pub. Law 104-49) added this requirement for disclosure regarding workers' compensation insurance.
10 The 1995 amendment (sec. 5(a) of Pub. Law 204-49) added this provision, in substitution for the following original statutory text regarding vehicle insurance:
(3) The level of the insurance required by paragraph (1)(C) shall be at least the amount currently required for common carriers of passengers under part II of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 301 et seq.), and any successor provision of subtitle IV of title 49,United States Code, and regulations prescribed there under.
11 The 1986 amendment (sec. 202(b) of Pub. Law 99-603) added this reference to the Immigration and Nationality Act prohibition on employment of illegal aliens, in substitution for original statutory text to the same effect. (See note 4 supra.)
12 7 U.S.C.A. s 2491 et seq.
13 The 1995 amendment (Sec.1 of Pub. Law 104-49) added this provision regarding State workers' compensation insurance as an exclusive remedy.
14 The 1995 amendment (sec.2 of Pub.Law 104-49) added this provision regarding damages in private actions.
15 The 1995 amendment (sec.3 of Pub.Law 104-49) added this provision regarding the tolling of the statute of limitations.