Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Compliance Guidebook shows readers how the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) has grown to critical importance to any U.S. company that does business in a global environment, as well as foreign companies that supply or have agency agreements with U.S. companies. It provides an overview of the business risks and guidance on spotting potential red flags regarding FCPA violation. Business professionals are provided with practical guidance on managing FCPA requirements as part of an overall compliance program.
MARTIN T. BIEGELMAN has been fighting fraud and corruption for more than thirty-five years in various roles in law enforcement, consulting, and the corporate sector. He is currently Director of Financial Integrity for Microsoft Corporation, where he built and leads a worldwide fraud prevention and anti-corruption program.
DANIEL R. BIEGELMAN is an attorney with the law firm of Baker Hostetler. He is a member of the Litigation Practice Group in their New York office. Daniel is a Certified Compliance and Ethics Professional and a member of the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics. He is a contributing author to Building a World-Class Compliance Program: Best Practices and Strategies for Success (Wiley). He is also the author of articles on the FCPA and corporate compliance.
Название | Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Compliance Guidebook: Protecting Your Organization from Bribery and Corruption Wiley Corporate F&A |
Авторы | Martin T. Biegelman , Daniel R. Biegelman |
Издание: | иллюстрированное |
Издатель | John Wiley & Sons, 2010 |
ISBN | 0470527935, 9780470527931 |
Количество страниц | Всего страниц: 384 |
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Экспорт цитаты | BiBTeX EndNote RefMan |