Before you sign a lease, look over it carefully, and consider having a lawyer look over it with you. There are a couple low or no-cost options for students who would like a lawyer to look at their lease before signing:
Both are easily accessible. ASMSU is located in the Student Services Building, and the Housing Law Clinic is located on Abbot Rd. near Burcham Dr. If you choose not to use either, read the entire lease yourself.
The City’s Planning, Building & Development department provides additional information about rental licensing, and should be consulted if you believe a complaint should be filed against your property manager.
In the event you are ticketed from either the MSU Police or City of East Lansing Police, please see our Got a Ticket? webpage.
MSU's Community Laision, now known as the Office of Community and Student Relations, has been promoting positive town-gown relations between MSU and Greater Lansing since 2006. We aim to increase University-Community relations and help students learn how to be good neighbors and community members.