Free Nebraska Prenuptial Agreement

When Do You Need a Prenuptial Agreement in Nebraska?

So you got engaged to your better half and now looking forward to a wedding, congratulations! But have you thought about the fate of your assets should your marriage end abruptly? While most couples enter a civil union for a lifetime, divorce or death may occur midway, ending the marriage. That's why prenuptial agreements are essential before a wedding. A Nebraska prenuptial agreement is a legal contract that couples draft and sign before marriage and becomes active when they legally marry. In the agreement, couples will usually define their responsibilities over their assets and liabilities. Moreover, couples agree on how they will share their assets if they divorce. Prenuptial agreements remain enforceable unless revoked by the couples or if their marriage becomes void. Read on for more about the benefits of a Nebraska prenuptial agreement and what may render it unenforceable.

Do You Need a Prenuptial Agreement?